Top Tarot Decks Used in February
Today I’m going over the top decks that were on my tarot shelf in the month of February. This was a fun post. I was really surprised at how many oracle decks I had on this list. I did still have several tarot decks. The first deck that I had on my shelf is the Light Seer’s Tarot. I really like this deck. I find it is really good for positive readings and positive affirmations. I like being able to give people a kind version of the message and it makes it a little bit easier to swallow when you’re not necessarily hearing exactly what you want to hear. It’s good to know what’s going on but this deck does a good job of sharing that in a nicer way. The Light Seer’s Tarot is all over the Internet right now and I can understand why. It’s a beautiful deck. See some images below.
Light Seer’s Tarot
The next deck that I used a lot in February is the Notes from the Universe on Abundance oracle deck. I find I’m not using this one very much in readings for others, but I am pulling a card for myself out of this deck almost every day. Each card has a beautiful different back (see images below) and a message on how to attract abundance. The card in the photo says “1 million dollars is a lot only when you don’t have it. With 10 million, 1 million can practically be overlooked and is therefore much less intimidating. Pretend you have 10 million. To the bank, The Universe.” This deck has got a great way of getting you to change your perspective so instead of having a perspective of lacking, it gives you one of abundance, just like it says in the name. It’s very helpful to reset your thinking if you’re starting to go down a path where you’re forgetting about gratitude. I like to be in a place of gratitude. Life is so much easier when you can be thankful for the things in your life. This deck gives me concrete things to think about so that I can change my focus to be more on abundance.
Notes from the Universe on Abundance oracle
This next deck I’ve been using for affirmations and it’s the Everyday Tarot by Brigit Esselmont. I was using this deck a lot more for readings earlier on. I still really like it but what I’ve been doing for myself is to search through the deck for the archetype, the personality, whatever it is that I’m trying to attract more of in my life. I will pull that card out and set it up either on my altar or on some bookshelves that I pass by many times a day. I will set it up someplace I’m going to see it constantly, all day long, and it’s just a reminder to me to focus on that energy and attract that energy. I find that it’s been allowing me to attract more of the things that I’m trying to bring into my life and that’s how I’ve been using this deck. These are smaller cards, they’re more like a standard poker deck and I really like that size. They’re also really soft in your hands. I love the energy of this deck and I’ve been using it just for affirmations lately. I highly recommend it. If you have this deck, try it out for affirmations, if not, get it. I really has a glowing personality. It’s got a soft shimmery gold and it has such a warmth to it that makes it a lot more comforting and attractive to look at everyday.
This next deck is one that some of you may not have seen before (see images below). It’s called Cupid Cards, The Oracle of Love, by Monte Farber & Amy Zerner. It’s an older deck, published in 1996, that comes in the huge box that honestly is a bit ridiculous because of how big it is. It has a nice book and I do really like the cards. Just like with the Mike Dooley deck, the back of all these cards is different. Obviously this is a deck that I used in February because they’re “cupid cards” but they give you some really powerful messages. For example, the “Reputation Card.” You can read from the image that is on the back of the card or you can read what’s written. It says “Try hard to make your actions such that if your guardian angels were watching they’d be proud about you and your love. What’s said should fill your hearts with pride, not dread. You can’t control what others say. Control yourself and rule the day. The love you seek has need of one respected for their good deeds done.” Another great card is “Manifests.” It says “. . . observe how your habitual thoughts affect your life, for good or ill. Be positive and learn how to . . . You’ll manifest your heart’s desire: the love to which you most aspire. Make sure what’s wished for’s best for you for it will soon be coming true. Real magic’s when you concentrate on what you love, not what you hate.” I love that. I definitely believe in the law of attraction and focusing on that. If you focus on the things you don’t want in your life, how upset you are, how sad you are, poor you are, you’re just going to attract more sadness, more upset, more lack of money, lack of funds. So focus instead on the opposite of those things and that will help attract what it is you want here. I’ve included several images from the deck below.
Cupid Cards - the back are all different.
The next deck is your standard Ride-Waite-Smith deck. The version I have is the Radiant Rider Waite. It’s a deck I don’t see myself ever walking away from. This version seems to be the one I’m most attracted to, just because the colors are so vibrant. It really draws me in and I like them a lot. It has become my soulmate deck and I’ve been reading with it for years. I don’t see that stopping so I had to include that one here.
I also had the Magical Messages from the Fairies deck by Doreen Virtue. This deck has just got some short, sweet messages. I guess all my decks this time around were positive and that does tend to be my personality. I like to do things in a kind, gentle way. The back is a simple design but the front has lots of different colored cards with a picture, key words and a short message. Here are some samples of what they say - “Emotional Healing - as your heart heals of old emotional pain, you receive new blessings and love.” “Your wish is granted - what you’ve asked for is coming true.” “Easy does it - stop trying so hard to control everything and all the doors will open for you.” It’s very encouraging. It’s always nice to have that support.
The final deck on my tarot shelf in the month of February was the Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards, by Denise Linn. This one, I love the box, how soft it is. For size, it’s the size of your typical oracle deck. The backs are gorgeous and I have colored the edges to match the purple of the backs. The images are very beautiful with a rose petal surface. This is also a very encouraging and positive deck as well. I use this deck in conjunction with readings. “Begin now, take your first step.” “Staying focused, stay the course.” “Watching clouds, lie back, rest and relax.” “Joy and delight. Open your heart to joy.” This is one of my favorite decks.
I enjoyed sharing my list with you! Feel free to comment on any of the decks. If you want a full walk through of any of the decks that I shared with you, please comment below, I’d be happy to oblige. Thanks for stopping by!
Light Seer’s Tarot: A 78-Card Deck & Guidebook by Chris-Anne, published by Hay House Inc.
Notes from the Universe on Abundance Oracle Cards by Mike Dooley
Everyday Tarot by Brigit Esselmont
Cupid Cards, The Oracle of Love, by Monte Farber & Amy Zerner
Radiant Rider Waite Full size tarot deck. Published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc
Magical Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue
Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards, The, by Denise Linn
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